Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My most valuable thing"

My most valuable thing right now is my FAMILY because they show me their love and fidelity. They support me in my study and they give my needs even though we are poor but they send me in the University school. They encourage me to not give up in what I have failed to do and in what I have lost in my life.
My family knows the best for me, they sure that I have a good future when I finish my study. I am very thankful because I have my Father,my Mother, and my sister they also the people who love me. They are my inspiration to finish my study and make a goal to my Family.
Someday if I have already finish my study I want to help my family especially my sister. And I will support the rest of my family needs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Experience in Prelim

In my experience in prelim exams it is very difficult for me because I have no books in one of my subject and I dont know what are other coverage in our exams.
But i do my best to have a high grade in my exams because I dont want to failed. And I want to be a professional Technologies someday.

Experience in Prelim

Isn't Love is Enough?

I choose this title because we have to realize that luv is not enough to make a relationship work. We need trust,respect,time,effort and total commitment. If a person doesnt show respect, doesn't earn your trust and cannot keep a promise, then no matter how many times they say "I LOVE YOU" those words wiil be empty.
Take time to look at what they don't show because there are secret hidden beneath their words. So do not let passion but Wisdom decide for you. Love wisely because its never easy to love and get hurt.